Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Disadvantages of Case study Method

Case study method is deep analysis and investigation of a single person, society or community. It involves both qualitative and quantitative methods in its research. It is used as the primary method of research in varied disciplines mainly by a social scientist in psychology, sociology, anthropology,and medicines etc.  

Constrained Representative: Case study method has constrained representation due to specified and narrow focus on the certain topic. It leaves very little room for the generalization since the subjects are specifically chosen meeting the requirement of the research.

No classification: Case study method is focused on the deep investigation of a person, society or community etc. so due to its research and analysis in a small unit, the classification cannot happen in more definite manner and most of the time in any many manners.

Difficult and Challenging Outline: Case study method has very specified rules and regulations. Lack of appropriate knowledge and experience can be a limitation to your enthusiasm. It is important for students to understand the feature of case study thoroughly with the help of qualified assistance or supervisor.

Subjective Method: A Case study methodis essentially a subjective method rather than an objective method as it specifically focuses on the small or single unit. It does not focus on larger groups and larger units of the society. There is no sampling in this method and subjects are chosen very cautiously.

The probability of Mistakes: In this method, there is the possibility of mistake and wrong judgment due to its high-level difficulty and challenging outline. New researchers are more prone to mistakes due to lack of knowledge, experience,and expert supervision. Students can seek assistance in case study method from cdr writing services for engineers Australia.

Biased Result: Case study method is administered by one or two people who can get affected by personal prejudice and bias. Due to small teams, no one is usually able to point out the biased judgment and result of the study about a social unit.

Expensive and Time-Consuming: Case study method is expensive and demands a good amount of time due its specification and need of depth analysis. The effective data-collection requires resources and time.
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Summary: Case study method is deep analysis and investigation of a single person, society or community. It involves both qualitative and quantitative methods in its research. It is used asthe primary method of research in varied disciplines mainly by a social scientist in psychology, sociology, anthropology, and medicines etc. Case study method also has many disadvantages.  

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